Here is the audio enhanced for the whispers.
(Transcribed by Sara and Chelsy with special audio equipment. Using Left and Right audio as well as Reversing, and Slow-motion without morphing the audio. Some of the audio is so quick that it is impossible to hear at normal speed.)
Man: "Come to me, I need you. You're an alchemist and uh..."
Woman: "I need-"
Man (Sounds like Christian Shephard): "Sarah, Is somebody coming?"
Woman: "They must be coming, you-"
Man: "Hush! One of these-"
(Shushing- shhh, shht!)
Woman: "Richard!"
Man: "Come with us."
Woman: "Here's the recipe."
Man: "Oh thank you, I thought I'd lost-"
Hurley: "Uh oh."
Source: Lostpedia